Our Gallery

Beep Beep!, by Mrs Vaughan

Chinese New Year Tasting, by Mrs Vaughan

A Special Visitor, by Mrs Vaughan

Visiting the Library, by Mrs Vaughan

Visiting Beswick Library, by Miss Millington

Making Rainbow Pizzas, by Mrs Vaughan

New Multi-Sports Pitch, by Miss Allen

PGL Residential 2024, by Mr Gibson

Making Bird Feeders, by Mrs Vaughan

Baking Bear Paw Biscuits, by Mrs Vaughan

Fishers Farm come to visit EYFS, by Miss Millington

Life Cycle of a Butterfly, by Mrs Vaughan

Growing, by Miss Millington

Easter Egg Hunt, by Mrs Vaughan

Bucket time - Attention Autism, by Miss Millington

Baking Bread in Reception, by Miss Millington

Planting a Bean, by Mrs Vaughan

Mothers Day Tea Party, by Miss Millington

Ashbury Meadow Community Primary School
Rylance St,
Manchester M11 3NA
Mrs Eve Peters: Main Contact