Support Learning For All
Supporting Learning For All
Ashbury Meadow Primary School is committed to supporting learning for all pupils including those who have additional needs to enable them to experience a sense of belonging, develop specific skills and abilities, and to have confidence and belief in their own learning potential. We support all pupils to access our school curriculum through the use of wider strategies that address non-academic barriers to success including developing pupils' cultural capital, improving attendance and supporting behaviour. Wider strategies have been shown to support positive learning behaviours and have a stong focus on positive relationships and routines.
The wider strategies that we have chosen also support the wellbeing and attainment of all pupils and support children during transition points, both micro and macro.
Our school wider strategies include:
- the UNICEF Rights Respecting School (we are Gold RIghts Respecting School)
- Learning Outside the Classroom (we a silver LOTC school)
- Communication Friendly School (we achieved accreditation as a Communication Friendly Setting)
- National Nurturing Schools Programme (we are a Nurture School)
- Zones of Regulation
- Strong focus on Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural eduaction
- Trips and Visits are planned throughout the curriculum and are not off events, and support the development of pupils' cultural capital
- Ensure that extra-curricular activities are accesible to all pupils by ensuring respresentation of SEND and Pupil Premium pupils
- Ensure all pupils have their voice heard through the representation of all pupils including SEND and Pupil Premium pupils on pupil committees such as school council and Rights Respecting School team
- A proactive attendance policy, that ensures attendance is everyone's responsibility and which aims to support families at the earleist stage
- An inclusive behaviour policy and mental health policy that aim to break down barriers to learning, support the development of self regulation and positive mental health