Our Ofsted report noted that  ' there is a strong sense of community in this harmonious and inclusive school'. 'Pupils feel safe and are cared for well' 'Relationships between staff and pupils are a real strength of the school and pupils' behaviour and safety is outstanding.'

'Pupils appreciate the diversity of of the different cultures and experiences they bring to school. As one child explained in this multicultural school where all are valued,'we're like a mini world.'

SMSC is embedded through our moral code and vision across the school through our rich and varied curriculum, but also through the attitude and values of everyone involved in the school. We speak and live the language of democracy.

We want all our pupils to have long and wonderous childhoods and be  free to question and challenge throughout their lives.

We care not just about ourselves, but about the wider communtity too. We send old books and resources to Africa, we raise money for Children in Need, we give food at harvest time to the Wood Street Mission, we raise money for heart disease and many other charities.

This is our second year of whole school project based learning. We leave our normal curriculum and explore a question. We base the questions on our local area, this helps support British Values because pupils learn about their local area and become knowledgable and proud of their locality. Last year we explored our school grounds, Gorton Monestry, Clayton Hall, Portland Basin and The Ethiad Stadium. This year we move towards Manchester town centre and explore the influences of Greece on our architecture, medieval Manchester, transport in Manchester and the history of Smithfield Market.

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Ashbury Meadow Community Primary School
Rylance St,
Manchester M11 3NA
Mrs Eve Peters: Main Contact