Year 6 2024 - 2025

Mr Gibson

Year 5 teacher
Phase leader
Assistant Head

Mr Richardson

Dear Parents and Carers,

We would like to wish you a warm welcome back to Ashbury Meadow for the Spring Term. Here you will find all the important information about school this half term, and the topics that we will be studying and learning about in the Autumn term. We have attached the knowledge organisers that will support the children’s learning for this term and a copy of the curriculum that we will be studying.

In Year 6, Mr Gibson will be teaching 6G and Mr Richardson will be teaching in 6R. Both classes will be supported by Miss Jones. 

Year 6 is vital period of time within a child's learning and it is imperative that the children respond to feedback in the classroom, complete homework and read on a daily basis.

We have included a list of important information below that is crucial to your child’s learning. If there are any issues, please speak to a member of the Year 6 team and they will be able to help.

Key Information

-Children will need to wear their PE kits every Tuesday. They can come into school wearing their PE kit. They will need; a white top, black tracksuit trousers or shorts are acceptable with trainers. Children that are not wearing the correct footwear will not be able to partake in the PE lesson. Children should not come to school dressed in football kits for their PE lessons. An additonal PE lesson will take place on Friday. Children just require trainers for this lesson.  

-Please make sure your child comes to school with a water bottle each day. Children will be able to fill their bottles during the school day and these will be kept in the drinks area in the classroom. Each day they must be taken home to allow for cleaning and brought back the following day.

-Children must not bring any personal items to school (toys etc) and all equipment that children need will be provided by school. They must not take equipment from the classroom home.

-Children that walk home may bring their mobile phone into school. This must be handed to the teacher at the start of the day.

Home Reading

This year, home reading books will be sent out each Monday and they must be returned by the Friday of that week.


Homework in used to consolidate and reinforce skills and understanding. Paper homework will be sent home every Friday to be returned on Monday. Pupils will all have been given a home reading record and reading book. Please make sure these are brought into school every day. By Year 6, we expect children to be reading at home at least five times a week and fill in their reading record to reflect this. They are allowed to fill in their own reading record.

Other homework will be set electronically for pupils on Friday using the Google Classroom or as paper homework. If pupils do not have access to an electronic device at home paper-based work can be sent home. The website below is the Google Classroom support link which will help pupils to log into their Google Classroom accounts if you are experiencing any problems.

Pupils have been given their login details to access our school learning apps at home. They can use Lexia and the MyOn e-library to revise their reading skills, while Mathletics and Time Table Rockstars can be used to practise their mathematical skills and times tables.

Below is a table of the suggested structure of homework during the week, so you know what to expect. We hope that doing homework little and often can become part of your routine at home. However, the work can obviously be completed at whatever time suits you and your children best. Please get in touch with your teacher if you don’t know how to log in to your account.


Year 6 Homework

Monday to Thursday 



10 minutes daily reading practice

10 minutes daily reading practice


Monday & Wednesday: 

5 minutes practice



Tuesday & Thursday:

5 minutes Timestable Rockstars 

15 minutes 

Mathletics practice from learning in class

Wider Curriculum   


15 minutes Knowledge Organiser work



This Half term we will be learning about: 

English: We will be writing based upon the text Tyger by SF Said

Maths: Within Maths, we will be re-enforcing skills from across the curriculum and learning about decimals, percentages and problem solving. 

Geography: We will be learning about energy and how we generate energy for our local area. 

History: We are learning about the history of crime and punishment from 1066 onwards to the present day. This will include looking at how things have changed through time.

Science: We will be learning about light and how we see. 

Art: We will be exploring drawing Cityscapes using perspective and more. 

Religion & Worldviews: We will be learning Humanism and Humanist concepts. 

PSHE: We begin our PSHE unit about Valuing Differences.

We hope you will enjoy Year 6!

Many thanks

The Year 6 Team


If you have any questions, please email your class teacher at  or

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Ashbury Meadow Community Primary School
Rylance St,
Manchester M11 3NA
Mrs Eve Peters: Main Contact