Year 5 2024 - 2025
Miss Culver
Welcome to the Year 5 class page!
The teachers of Year 5 are Miss Culver and Miss Wakefield. Mr Wall is the teaching asssistant.
On this page you will find information about current topics, news and updates regarding special events and during the Spring Term.
Homework is used to consolidate and reinforce skills and understanding.
Pupils will all have been given a home reading record and reading book. Please make sure these are brought into school every day. By Year 5, we expect children to be reading at home at least five times a week and fill in their reading record to reflect this. They are allowed to fill in their own reading record, however, where possible you should be listening to your child read throughout the week.
Other homework will be set electronically for pupils on Monday using Google Classroom. If pupils do not have access to an electronic device at home, please let your teacher know so that paper-based work can be sent home. The website below is the Google Classroom support link which will help pupils to log into their Google Classroom accounts if you are experiencing any problems.
Pupils have been given their login details to access our school learning apps at home. They can use Lexia and the MyOn e-library to revise their reading skills, while Mathletics and Time Table Rockstars can be used to practise their mathematical skills and times tables.
Below is a table of the suggested amount of homework children should be completing each week. We hope that doing homework little and often can become part of your routine at home. Please get in touch with your teacher if your child doesn’t know how to log in to any of your accounts.
Reading |
10 minutes |
5 times per week |
Spelling |
5 minutes |
2 times per week |
Times Tables |
5 minutes |
2 times per week |
Maths |
15 minutes |
1 time per week |
Wider Curriculum |
15 minutes |
1 time per week |
PE is on a Tuesday and children are expected to come into school this day wearing appropriate PE clothing (e.g. white t-shirt, shorts and trainers). This term we will be focussing on football skills.
This half term we will be learning about:
Writing: Our writing will be based on the book Cosmic by Frank Cottrell Boyce which is a humorous and heartfelt story about a boy who pretends to be an adult to join a space mission, exploring themes of identity, responsibility, and the wonder of the universe. We will be focussing on developing interesting sentences using a variety of grammatical features such as adjectives, alliteration and modal verbs.
Reading: We will be reading Children of the Benin Kingdom. We will be paying close attention to understanding character traits and using inference skills to gain an understanding of main characters in the text. Children must practise reading at home using their home reading books and reading records must be signed weekly.
Maths: We are currently focussing on fractions in maths and will then be moving onto decimals and percentages.
Please see the links below to help support your child with their maths learning. They should also access Mathletics as part of their homework to support their development in maths. It is extremely important that the children are confident and fluent with all times tables and continue to access Times Table Rock Stars to support their recall.
Links to re-cap previous maths topics:
Number and Place Value:
Addition and Subtraction:
Multiplication and Division:
Word Problems:
Science: This term we will be learning about Earth and Space.
Art: We will be studying the artist L.S Lowry, we will be painting cityscapes.
Music: Year 5 will continue taking part in an African drumming workshop every Thursday with our specialist percussion teacher.
Religion & Worldviews: We will be learning about Sikhism and answering the enquiry question, 'Are Sikh stories important today?'
PSHE: We begin our PSHE unit 'Rights and Responsibilities'.
Spanish: This term children are learning language around the theme of shopping.
Computing: The children are learning about touch typing and coding.
History: We are learning about the Vikings, we have a Viking workshop the children will be able to participate in.
If you need to contact us about anything, or have any questions, you can contact your class teacher using the email addresses below.
Miss Culver and Miss Wakefield