School Curriculum

Ashbury Meadow Primary School Curriculum 

At Ashbury Meadow we have developed five curriculum teams to enhance learning throughout the school, through a creative approach which enhances the cultural capital of all pupils which values and links pupils' experiences, identities and what matters to them. The teams are: Problem Solving (encompassing maths, science, design & technology and computing), Global (encompassing history and geography), Communication (encompassing PE and Spanish), Expressive Arts (encompassing art & design and music) and Personal Development (encompassing religious education and worldviews, and PSHE). Each team has a key person responsible and meets half termly to discuss how to promote, plan and drive forward key areas of learning. Each team holds an annual whole school curriculum team day and works alongside the other teams to promote cross-curricular links and champion whole school initiatives to enhance and extend our curriculum offer. Within our curriculum, individual disciplines are taught and celebrated separately to ensure that pupils leave our school with a good understanding of what each discipline is. Language acquisistion is a key priority within the strategic development plans of this school and is a the heart of our curriculum intent. 

The school has used the aims of the National Curriculum and enhanced these to meet the needs of all pupils in our school, to ensure that the curriculum goes above and beyond the aims and reflects the diverse community of our school. Core knowledge and skills for each of our curriculum subjects are mapped out using spiral curriculums, with essential knowledge and skills revisited with increasing complexity, allowing pupils to revise and build upon their previous learning. The curriculums have been carefully reconciled to ensure that there are no conflicts between the progression of knowledge, skills and vocabulary across subjects, for example, pupils acquire their knowledge of electrical circuits in science before applying this knowledge in their Design and Technology project later in Year 4. 

Personal, social and health education (PHSE), spiritual, moral, social and cultural education (SMSC) and special educational needs (SEND) are threaded through each curriculum team’s work as are British Values, UNICEF Rights Respecting School Award, Learning Outside of the Classroom and Nurture School UK work and careers.

At Ashbury Meadow Primary School, we respect and celebrate the diversity of our pupil population and strive to ensure that children know where they have come from and how their lives have been shaped by other countries and cultures as we prepare them for life in modern Britain.  We value our local community as a resource and ensure it is used to support learning where appropriate. This also enables pupils to feel a sense of belonging and pride in their local area.

We aim to promote:

  • Learning outside the classroom
  • The development of rights respecting citizens
  • Pupil’s understanding of British values and diversity
  • Links with schools from around the world and within our region
  • The use of subject specific vocabulary
  • The development of scientific and cultural capital and an understanding of future careers to aspire to
  • The development of well-connected schema 

Through clear curriculum sequencing, where prior knowledge is identified and retrieved, and future knowledge is explicitly linked through the key concepts at the heart of the curriuculum, pupils will proficiently build their bodies of knowledge.



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Problem Solving




Expressive Arts




Personal Development




Supporting Learning for All


Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Click on the documents below for further information about our Curriculum Design and Model and our subject blocking schedule for 2024/25. 

Files to Download

Ashbury Meadow Community Primary School
Rylance St,
Manchester M11 3NA
Mrs Eve Peters: Main Contact