Rights Respecting School
What is the Rights Respecting Schools award?
At Ashbury Meadow Primary School we have worked towards achieving Unicef’s Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award. The Right Respecting Schools Award recognises that the UNCRC (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child) is at the heart of everything that a school does. The award is based on principles of equality, dignity, respect, non-discrimination and participation and at Ashbury Meadow we have adopted these values to underpin our school values and ethos. Throughout the year we will be promoting these values through our everyday teaching, assemblies and various events, so please stay posted! We are looking forward to you joining us on our Rights Respecting journey.
Gold Award: Rights Respecting
Ashbury Meadow has achieved its Gold award in May 2024.
Feedback from the assessment can be seen below;
Particular strengths of the school include:
• The Right of the Week Assemblies are very powerful and all children talked in depth about the rights discussed and how they take this learning forward.
• Children are knowledgeable about rights, how this impacts on their lives and how it makes a difference.
• Children feel that they have a voice at Ashbury Meadow and they believe that they can make a positive difference. From their involvement in the development of school policies and plans, they know they can influence school life.
• The school’s ethos is very child centred and the headteacher and senior leaders are committed to children’s rights and very clear about the impact the RRS award has had on the school.
• Everyone believes that relationships are positive and have been improved by a focus on rights. Children are nicer to one another based on an understanding about their rights and the rights of others.
Silver Award: Rights Aware
Ashbury Meadow has been awarded its Silver Rights Respecting School Award in June 2018. This shows a continued commitment to the Convention of the Rights of the Child and that it under pins all aspects of school life.
Please keep up to date with our Rights Respecting news on the school website as we work towards the next part of the award (Gold) and well done to our Rights Respecting Team!
Bronze Award: Recognition of Commitment
Ashbury Meadow achieved the first part of the Rights Respecting Schools award from Unicef in September 2017; the Recognition of Commitment (ROC). We have shown that, as a school, we have a plan in place to become Rights Respecting and that children and adults are developing a whole school Rights Respecting approach.
Our Rights Respecting Team
At Ashbury Meadow, we have ambassadors who work hard to help others in the school learn all about the important work of Unicef and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Our ambassadors are selected from Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 and over the course of the year will be participating in Rights Respecting assemblies and raising awareness of UNICEF.
If you would like any more information see Rights Respecting Schools award or download our Rights Respecting School information leaflet.
Ashbury Meadow has just created their first Playground Charters. This were chosen after a whole school discussion and vote. The following articles are important to the pupils at Ashbury Meadow;
Article 2
We have the right to play without discrimination, so that no child is picked on or bullied for any reason.
Article 15
We can choose who to play with and if we see someone by themselves we can ask them to play.
Article 24
We have the right to fresh water, a clean and safe environment and first aid if we hurt ourselves.
Article 31
We have the right to play and join in games and also just rest quietly when we want to.

Manchester City Council are celebrating Manchester's children and young people with a city wide approach to help them shape a future that's happy, safe, healthy and succesful for al children. The Pupil Parliamentarians collaborated on identifying the major headlines and created the following questions for a survey to present at this years Safegaurding Conference.
The headlines are:
1. Travel in Manchester - Your right to be safe (Article 19)
2. Traffic near your school - Your right to be safe (Article 19)
3. Living in your community - Your right to be safe (Article 19)
4. Mental Health and Anxiety - Your right to be safe (Article 19)
5. The voice for children - Your right to be listened to (Article 12)
The pupils from MPP schools participated in a survey about ‘Being safe in Manchester’.
There were 1140 surveys completed that provides comprehensive data about how children feel about being safe in Manchester.
You can see the results and videos of this years pupil parliament events below. We will be continuing with our work and the Year of the Child in September.
To celebrate 30 years of the Convention of the Rights of the Child with Unicef, Ashbury Meadow and 20 other Rights Respecting Schools that form Manchester’s first primary school Pupil Parliament took part in a Rights March around Manchester City Centre.
This marks the end of a year long journey from forming the Pupil Parliament, to choosing their global goal then learning how to write a powerful campaign speech and even a trip down to look around the Houses of Parliament in London.
We are all very proud of how well our Rights Team have done in their campaigning journey to try and change the world.
During these uncertain COVID times where social distancing is mandatory, Rights Respecting assemblies have been taking place over Zoom every Thursday.
Each class gets the opportunity to discuss and answer questions on the Right of the Week.
These has been a great success with pupils looking forward to the assembly each week.
RIGHTS TEAM 2020/2021
WOW just had our first Rights Meeting of the school year this afternoon.
Children played 'find the rights' and were able to circle all the rights being accessed and denied on the worksheet.
We discussed all the amazing rights respecting things we accomplished last year and welcomed new faces to the team.
Our Rights Team will be busy telling everyone about the right featured in this weeks assembly- Article 17 Access to information from the media so keep a look out for them!