Year 3 2024 - 2025
Mrs Waldron
Miss Bednarska-Baczkowicz
Welcome back to Year 3! ☺️
The teachers in Year 3 are Miss Waldron (3W) and Miss Bednarska (3B). The teaching assistants are Miss Miah, Miss Taylor and Mrs Grindrod. We are looking forward to welcoming you back to school after the holidays and hope you are excited for all you will learn in Year 3 this year!
What will we be learning this term?
This half term we will be using ‘Stone Age Boy’ to inspire our writing of a story and creating a poem based on Autumn. We will use our sentence stacking lessons and experience days to support our writing throughout the term.
In Maths, we will develop our knowledge around place value in 3-digit numbers, and will move onto practising our written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We use a six-step mastery approach to teaching maths. In each lesson, children will explore maths problems in a real-world context, applying their prior understanding and exploring new methods together.
This term, we will read a range of texts, including ‘Stig of the Dump' and ‘Secrets of Stonehenge’ which will link to our History learning. We will be practising a range of different reading skills and comprehension techniques as well as thinking about characters’ emotions and how they develop throughout the story.
The children will be learning about Forces and Magnets during the first autumn term and then Rocks during the second autumn term. They will have the opportunity to take part in scientific investigations alongside their learning too! These will include investigating which materials are magnetic and which rocks are most suitable for plaques and statues in the real world.
Year 3 will be completing a Drawing unit of learning. We will focus on the human eye and the art work created by Hector Gonzales.
In Geography, we will learn all about climate around the world. We will use our geographical learning to explore the question "Why is climate important?".
Please have a look at our knowledge organisers for more information about Science and Geography. These can be used to help the children with their learning of the topics.
Reading at Home
Children will be given a reading book to use for reading at home. The books can be returned once they have been read and a comment is recorded in Reading Records. We expect children to be reading at least 3 times a week at home to an adult. Children will be given a reading record to record when they have read to an adult at home. Reading records will be checked every week.
Children will take part in weekly P.E. lessons. P.E. will take place on Wednesdays.
3B will also have PE on Thursdays, whilst 3W have their weekly Chess session. (This will swap over in February 2025). Children are to come to school in their PE kits, ready for PE. This PE kit is to consist of a white top, black trousers/shorts/leggings and appropriate trainers.
Year 3 children will receive Chess sessions this year. 3W will learn and play on Thursdays up until February, when it will swap to 3B.
Children will be expected and encouraged to follow our Year 3 homework timetable to support their learning at home.
Monday to Thursday |
Weekend |
Reading |
10 minutes daily reading practice: Collins text on app or Home reading book |
10 minutes daily reading practice: Collins text on app or Home reading book |
Phonics / Spelling |
Monday & Wednesday: 5 minutes practice of spellings and/or phonics |
Maths |
Tuesday & Thursday: 5 minutes Times table Rockstars |
20 minutes Mathletics practice from learning in class |
Wider Curriculum |
20 minutes Knowledge Organiser work* |
*Knowledge Organiser work will be a short quiz set on Google Classroom, where the children can use their Knowledge Organiser to answer questions. We will ask the children the same or similar questions in class to check that they have been practising.
Children will be set spellings each week. These will be set every Monday and must be practised during the week, ready for our spelling test on Friday. Children can also practise their spellings on our Spelling Shed app - Please see google classroom for login instructions.
Times tables
By the end of Year 3, children should be able to recall their 3. 4 and 8 times tables confidently. We will practise regularly in school but it is crucial that children are practising their times tables at home daily for rapid recall. To support them with this, please make sure your child is regularly practising on Times Table Rockstars.
Best Wishes,
Miss. Waldron & Miss Bednarska
If you have any questions or need any help or support, please come and speak to us at the end of the day or email at the following class email addresses.
Miss Waldron – 3W
Miss Bednarska – 3B