

The intent of our mathematics curriculum is to maximise the development of every child’s mathematical ability and provide our pupils from Nursery to Year 6 with a variety of rich, mathematical opportunities underpinned by deep, conceptual understanding adapting the curriculum where necessary to ensure access for all. We deliver lessons that are  engaging, based on evidence-informed pedagogy enabling pupils to master the skills of their developmental stage in order to prepare them for the next stage. 

We want children to make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. We intend for our pupils to be able to apply their mathematical knowledge in subjects across the wider curriculum and to gain a good understanding that mathematics is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for most forms of employment. 

Below you will find out mathematics policy, curriculum maps and our intent and implementation approach. 

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Ashbury Meadow Community Primary School
Rylance St,
Manchester M11 3NA
Mrs Eve Peters: Main Contact