: Gallery

Baking Bear Paw Biscuits, by Mrs Vaughan

Fishers Farm come to visit EYFS, by Miss Millington

Life Cycle of a Butterfly, by Mrs Vaughan

Growing, by Miss Millington

Easter Egg Hunt, by Mrs Vaughan

Bucket time - Attention Autism, by Miss Millington

Baking Bread in Reception, by Miss Millington

Planting a Bean, by Mrs Vaughan

Mothers Day Tea Party, by Miss Millington

Library Visit, by Mrs Roche

Year 6 Residential, by Mr Gibson

Looking after our chicks in EYFS, by Miss Millington

Pupil Parliament Event, by Miss Allen

Poetry Day, by Miss Millington

Handas' Surprise - Fruit Tasting, by Miss Millington

Leaf Shower, by Miss Millington

World Book Day in Reception, by Miss Millington

Christmas Dinner Day, by Miss Allen

Ashbury Meadow Community Primary School
Rylance St,
Manchester M11 3NA
Mrs Eve Peters: Main Contact