Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Lesson: Understanding the World

Class: Nursery R & J Year: 2023 - 2024

At the end of last half term, we had some special visitors living in our classroom. Caterpillars! 

They were tiny when they first arrived, and the children have really enjoyed watching them grow bigger and fatter.

Just through observation, we have learnt that tiny caterpillars eat lots and lots of food and grow bigger and fatter. Then they spin themselves a Chrysalis and sleep for aroound two weeks. 

After that, they break out of their Chrysalis and are beautiful butterflies!

The children really enjoyed watching them change over time, and had lots of guesses as to what colour their wings would be when they came out of their Chrysalis. 


Have a look at our videos to see one of the butterflies wriggling its way out of the chrysalis! 

Ashbury Meadow Community Primary School
Rylance St,
Manchester M11 3NA
Mrs Eve Peters: Main Contact